Data is everywhere. Where is intelligence? Meet Cre8r

Have you ever imagined why some of the brands are more successful than others in exploring, creating and delivering value to their customers? Why can people in India easily recall ‘Thanda matlab Coca-Cola’? Why is Maggi, quite often, interchangeably used with ‘noodle’? Or why people ask for a printout by calling it simply a ‘Xerox’? Branding, a subset of marketing, is that magical potent which creatively and interactively communicates the right message to the right set of people.

Now, the question is how the brands can target the right set of people and communicate the right message to them? What are the data points which can help brands keep awareness, interest, desire and buying action intact among the people and build a long-lasting relationship? A right set of data to define consumer buying behaviour and its decision-making journey can definitely help in getting the above questions answered, but what defines a 'right set'?

Data is the new currency. It can give a lot of predictive and prescriptive insights about a customer’s buying behaviour. It seems suddenly all companies have started collecting primary scanner data about customers to stay abreast of its competitors. But once the data is collected, it needs to be analysed, processed to extract the right set of information which can further help brands in setting up more impactful marketing campaigns. This, data analytics, is a game changer specially for digital first companies in building customer relationships and expanding market share.

With increasing transactional data size, increases the burden to analyse the larger database (volume), faster (velocity) than other players, over a variety of attributes while maintaining the accuracy of facts (veracity). This combination of rules is difficult to meet by humans without the intervention of machines. Perhaps, this is the reason artificial intelligence (AI) has taken the marketing world by storm, and is transforming the way marketers are reaching out to their customers.

With the changing engagement channels, marketing intelligence has witnessed a paradigm shift from ages old television and bill-board advertising to present day data-driven influencer marketing on social media applications, and rightfully so since it has proven to be more impactful and has delivered better results. Data collection and tracking tools have changed the game of completely. This has enabled marketers to target micro-segments with the help of influencers and generate demand for their products in the right geographic location at the right time. Imagine you are using Instagram and a dermatologist appears in your story, recommending you a facewash to get rid of oily skin during monsoon season in the month of July when it rains heavily in Mumbai, your current location. This is not just a coincidence, rather a data-driven intelligence based on the data points you provided with your consent. Isn’t it a well-articulated display of intelligence?

Brands are leveraging AI enabled influencer marketing platforms to automate their influencer marketing campaigns. These platforms help the brands to find the most relevant influencers based on certain data sets & audience insights for enhanced business performance, higher ROI, and quicker success. These data-driven influencer marketing platforms helps brands discover thousands of content creators to run impactful ROI-focused influencer campaigns. They have dynamic workflows enabling marketers to handle multiple campaigns effortlessly. Brands can brief creators, approve content and check performance: all with just a few clicks. Not only does the AI powered search tool help brands discover relevant influencers based on the campaign objective and the budget, but their easy to use reporting dashboard provides in-depth performance insights.

The concept of targeting & segmentation has evolved from targeting small counts of segments comprising masses to razor-sharp targeting infinitesimal segments of prospective consumers. This corroborates the fact that in any universe, the customer is the king. By the time you finish reading this blog, someone from the marketing cohort would have collaborated with AI platforms to convert some of these ‘kings’ from a prospect to a loyal customer. Time to shift the gears, run!