2021: year of micro influencers!

The past few years have made it amply clear that the world has evolved, newer technologies have been introduced, everything is now digitized, and there seems to be no going back. As it is a common saying that ‘change is the only constant’, the new way of life has drastically affected the way people think, shop, perform tasks, etc. Things of the past that used to make sense, like your pager, that old mp3 player you used to carry about, all have been replaced by newer and more effective technologies. While we love looking at old pieces of history for the nostalgia of it, but we can’t deny the luxury and comfort up-and-coming technology provides us with.

The same holds true for marketers and brands. Traditional models of advertisement and brand communication relied upon A-Lister celebrities, who were thought of as the key to brand promotion and endorsement, owing to their popularity amongst the masses. However, with time, a newer model of brand communication, promotion, and advertisement is making itself known, which is influencer marketing.

Influencer marketing is predicted to grow and become a $13.8 billion-dollar worth industry by the end of this year!

Brands are in a great position to leverage the influencer’s popularity to promote their products and services. It makes up for the perfect recipe for a wider audience reach.

Social Media and Influencer Marketing

Social media has always held a heavy influence over the minds of the people. According to latest studies and reports, it surprisingly also affects the way they shop. These reports suggest, that a large percentage of people purchase items based on recommendations they get from social media.

It goes without saying that Influencer Marketing depends on social media. While we innocently downloaded social media apps to share photos and videos with our friends and family, and this phenomenon has now turned into a marketer’s dream as it not only offers opportunity to connect with a wider range of audience from just sitting at one place, it has also introduced to us the new concept of Influencer Marketing.

Instagram is growing to be the most popular app for Influencer Marketing.

According to Influencer Marketing Hub’s report, 67% brands use Instagram for Influencer Marketing. There are currently over a billion active Instagram users, who consume the content these influencers post about on a daily basis, making it one of the most powerful media channels for the new age marketers.

Why micro influencers?

Influencers have a powerful tool at their disposal, which is their ability to convince and influence their community of followers to ensue them and what they endorse. This power comes from the foundation of trust and credibility that they garner from interaction with their followers and by maintaining a high engagement rate.

This is primarily why brands are looking for micro-influencers, as they have what sets them apart from other well-known and popular public figures, a more authentic and trustworthy presence on the internet.

While these creators have a relative lesser follower count (less than a lac) but they are deemed as the Key Opinion Leaders (KOL’s), hence share a great trust within their followers, and the same can be leveraged by consumer brands in creating product awareness, drive conversations & initiate product trials. Marketers can partner with these micro influencers to promote their offerings, thus making them a potential medium of communication for companies in promoting their new products and services.

Why is Engagement rate Important?

Micro-Influencers are very promising and have an array of benefits to offer to brands. Owing to the fact that they have a close-knit community of followers, they are reaching out to a more focused audience group, resulting in an increased number of potential customers.

These micro influencers enjoy better engagement rate than Mega-Influencers or Celebrities, as more and more people are interested and invested in the content that they create.

Brands that wish to connect with the audience and make them trust their product. What better way to promote their products/services than through these micro-influencers whose entire community is based upon the foundation of credibility and reliability.

People are more-likely to try out a product if they hear about it from a reliable source. It enables them into trying something new or even unconventional, marking this new-age advertising as the rise of the micro-influencers.